The 1 Edition of the PIC Conference "Social Inclusion, Education and Digital Society" organized by Pegaso International on October 18-19, 2019 in Malta was a big success. The conference was addressed by Mr. Elio Pariota, General Manager of UniPegaso and CEO of Pegaso International, and Ms. Luigia Melillo, Rector of Pegaso International, who welcomed Government and Academic Authorities, Ministers, Researchers and Ph.D. students.
The event encouraged discussions on the importance of new digital technologies as driving forces that improve today’s people quality of life, boost economic growth and modernize the job market. The PiC Conference followed an interdisciplinary approach focusing mainly on the topics of education, e-learning, business economy, social inclusion as well as sustainable development. Among the main Maltese institutional Authorities involved in the event were:
Carmelo Abela, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta; Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, President Emeritus of the Republic of Malta, Godfrey Vella, President of the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority, Mario Sammartino, Ambassador of Italy in Malta, Gavin Gulia, President of Malta's National Tourism Board, Silvio Schembri, Junior Minister for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation at the Office of the Prime Minister of Malta, Christopher Fearne, Minister of Health, Malta;Claudette Buttigieg, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies of Malta.
The PiConf 2019, organized by Pegaso International Malta and promoted by the UNESCO Buro in Bioethics, European Centre for Bioethics and Quality of Life, also involved several Rectors from worldwide Universities, who signed interinstitutional Agreements with our Higher Education Institution. #PIConf2019
Conference Opening
Signing of Memoranda
Lectio Magistralis & Panel Discussions
Parallel Sessions & City Tour