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E_WARNING - array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given

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E_WARNING - Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

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E_WARNING - array_map(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, null given

E_WARNING - usort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given

E_WARNING - array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given

Pegaso International
(+356) 22 47 45 00
Business Administration

The 3-year Degree Course in Business Administration provides students with a training that meet the needs of different types of businesses. The skills acquired by graduates during their studies may, in fact, flexibly match the majority of requests coming from the world of work. This degree course offers to students the possibility to acquire diverse skill sets in the organisational-management, administrative-financial and banking credit sectors.

Taking into account personal interests and attitudes, the students will deepen the scope of the main company functions, with particular reference to accounting, planning, control, organisational, legal and tax activities, with specific regard to the small and medium-sized companies. The students may alternatively choose amongst modules concerning corporate finance, the structure and functioning of the financial markets and the credit system as well. Professional activities range from administrative and/or financial functions up to those related to organisation, production and marketing.

The degree course in Business Administration aims to provide a solid study in economic and business disciplines (both in functional areas and various business sectors), as well as in an adequate mastery of mathematical and statistic methods, and principles and foundations of the legal system. More specifically, the course helps students to develop different competencies for the analysis of business phenomena in complex, social and economic contexts.

In the first academic year, the study path provides modules focused on disciplines pertaining both to basic and characterizing educational subjects; the purpose is to guarantee a solid basic knowledge to the students who undertake this 3-year course of studies. In the second academic year, the course provides specific and business-related teachings aimed at making the course consistent with its relevant educational objectives; finally, the third year of the course foresees some elective modules, English language for business, computer skills exam (or alternatively an internship) and the final dissertation.

The 3-year degree course in Business Administration trains professional figures suitable for performing managerial, consulting and entrepreneurial activities, in the context of private and public organisations, operating in real and financial markets. The academic curriculum guarantees a fundamental multidisciplinary training aimed at understanding the functioning of modern business organisations and financial systems, as well as the peculiarities of the relevant business context.

Graduates will acquire adequate skills in the economic, managerial, financial and legal disciplines, by developing appropriate methods of critical analysis of the business structures and dynamics.

The degree course provides training paths necessary to cope with specific aspects of corporate-management, operation and administration, of particular types of businesses and financial intermediation, including sustainability issues and principles. Thus, in line with its educational objectives, this degree course is divided into educational/study paths aimed at enhancing the attitudes and the scientific/cultural preferences expressed by the student.

The learner will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate managerial, consulting and business administration
  2. Explain the difference between private and public organizations
  3. Illustrate the functioning of modern business organizations and financial systems
  4. Identify the environmental context
  5. Employ skills in economics, managerial, financial and the legal field
  6. Developing appropriate methods of analysis and critical interpretation of the structures and dynamics of companies
  7. Express specific aspects of leadership, management and business administration
  8. Identify specific types of businesses and financial intermediation
  9. Support the principles of sustainability
  10. Combine the use of statistical tools and principles with the administration of businesses

Graduates in Business Administration will acquire a solid grounding in business and economic disciplines (with particular reference,, to the business system and to accounting and financial statements), as well as an adequate command of mathematical-statistical tools, and principles and foundations of the legal system.

This course allow students to acquire a wide range of theoretical-practical knowledge that meets the demands of professional fields relevant to graduates in Business Administration and his/her potential enrolment in a Master degree of the same field. Job opportunities and professional activities foreseen in the BA academic curriculum are meant to be conducted in companies, (with the aim to perform managerial or entrepreneurial functions), in public administrations and as freelancer specialised in the economic fields.

The course trains students for the profession of:

  • Accountant;
  • Bursar and treasurer;
  • Condominium and building Administrator;
  • Organization and management of production factors technician
  • Insurance agent;
  • Sales and distribution technician;
  • Marketing technician.

In order to access a Bachelor’s Degree Programme, students must be in possession of:

  • A High School Diploma corresponding to level 5 of the EQF/MQF achieved after at least 12 years of previous schooling, and issued by an accredited Institution in the Country where the qualification was achieved;
  • Certificates/Declarations released by an ENIC-NARIC centre or other certificates explaining the foreign qualification status/level;
  • Language certification - minimum requirement B2 for B.Sc. Degrees - from any Academic Body listed hereunder:
    • TOEFL iBT
    • IELTS
    • Cambridge Certificates
    • English Speaking Board (International) Ltd
    • Pearson English International Certificate
    • Trinity College London Certificates
    • City & Guilds International ESOL (IESOL)

Please note: Should you not have achieved at least 12 years of previous schooling but you are interested in enrolling, you can attend a Foundation Course in order to fill the educational gap. Please visit the section: Foundation Course.

E_WARNING - Invalid argument supplied for foreach()


Pegaso International's traineeships are integral part of the student academic curriculum, and are provided as practical activities of the academic record relevant to the completion of the study course. Traineeships may be mandatory or recognized as processes through which students may gain exemptions of credits. The number of credits gained for curricular traineeships is stated in the Standard Study Plans. Traineeship activities are officially recognised through the acknowledgement of credits (1 ECTS = 8 hours). Generally, the working hours are mutually agreed upon between the trainee and the host company, considering the current needs of both parties and the company working hours. Students may undertake the traineeship at any time of the year.

Students will be considered eligible for admission for a traineeship, upon the positive assessment of a minimum number of ECTS, with reference to:

  • three-year degree courses: 100 ECTS out of 180
  • master's degree courses: 50 ECTS out of 120
  • one-year master degree course in Informatics: 20 ECTS out of 90

Students are required to reach specific agreements with the host company and communicate the following data in writing to Pegaso International to the mail: traineeship@pegasointernational.eu

  1. Name of the Host company;
  2. Agreed time frame of the traineeship;
  3. Name and surname of the company tutor and relevant contact details (telephone and email);
  4. Educational objectives of the traineeship, agreed with the company tutor.

Upon completion of the traineeship, students are required to submit to the competent office the following documentation:

  • Application for recognition of the traineeship activities and relevant ECTS gained; download the form
  • Certificate of Traineeship undertaken, to be sent on letter head, signed and stamped by the company tutor; download the form
  • Brief report on the activity undertaken during the traineeship hours, signed and stamped by the company tutor.


Always Open
3 Years
Tuition Fee
€ 3000